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Set the kubectl context

az aks get-credentials -n <AKS_NAME> -g <AKS_RG>

Set the values for the variables by writing to the variables file - values-secret.yaml

cd jenkins/master/helm

# copy the template variable file
cp values.yaml values-secret.yaml

# substitute the value for <CICD_NAMESPACE> by replacing PLACEHOLDER in the command
# this should be the same as set in the file - jenkins/master/jenkins-vars-secret
# PLACEHOLDER e.g. jenkins
sed -i 's|<CICD_NAMESPACE>|PLACEHOLDER|g' values-secret.yaml

# login to docker hub or other container registry
docker login

# copy the flat content from the file ~/.docker/config.json
docker_config=$(cat ~/.docker/config.json | tr -d '\n' | tr -d '\t')

# substitute the value for <DOCKER_CONFIG> by running the following command:
sed -i "s|<DOCKER_CONFIG>|$docker_config|g" values-secret.yaml

# substitute the value for <CONTAINER_REGISTRY_URL> by replacing PLACEHOLDER in the command
# PLACEHOLDER e.g. docker.io
sed -i 's|<CONTAINER_REGISTRY_URL>|PLACEHOLDER|g' values-secret.yaml

# substitute the value for <CONTAINER_REPOSITORY_NAME> by replacing PLACEHOLDER in the command
# it is the same as  docherhub username if you are using dockerhub free tier
sed -i 's|<CONTAINER_REPOSITORY_NAME>|PLACEHOLDER|g' values-secret.yaml

# substitute the value for <JENKINS_IMAGE_NAME> by replacing PLACEHOLDER in the command
# PLACEHOLDER e.g. fortosi
# hardcoded image tags like jenkins-master and jenkins-agent will distinguish between the 2 image types
sed -i 's|<JENKINS_IMAGE_NAME>|PLACEHOLDER|g' values-secret.yaml

# substitute the value for <CLOUD_PROVIDER>
sed -i 's|<CLOUD_PROVIDER>|azure|g' values-secret.yaml

# login to az
az login
az account list -o table
# note the id as <AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID> from the output of previous command

# substitute the value for <AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID> by replacing PLACEHOLDER in the following command:
sed -i 's|<AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID>|PLACEHOLDER|g' values-secret.yaml

# substitute the value for <AZURE_MANAGED_DISK_NAME> by replacing PLACEHOLDER in the command
# PLACEHOLDER e.g. fortosi-demo-md01
sed -i 's|<AZURE_MANAGED_DISK_NAME>|PLACEHOLDER|g' values-secret.yaml

# substitute the value for <AZURE_MANAGED_DISK_RG> by replacing PLACEHOLDER in the command
# PLACEHOLDER e.g. fortosi-demo-rg01
sed -i 's|<AZURE_MANAGED_DISK_RG>|PLACEHOLDER|g' values-secret.yaml

# verify the values-secret.yaml file by displaying its content
cat values-secret.yaml

# output should be something like this
namespace: jenkins
dockerConfig: '<removed as secret>'
  registry: docker.io
  repository: ankursoni
  name: fortosi
  tag: jenkins-master
  pullPolicy: Always
  name: fortosi-demo-md01
  uri: /subscriptions/794a7d2a-565a-4ebd-8dd9-0439763e6b55/resourceGroups/fortosi-demo-rg01/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/fortosi-demo-md01

Download the kubeconfig file

# get the aks credentials by substituting <AKS_NAME> and <AKS_RG> in the following command:
az aks get-credentials -n <AKS_NAME> -g <AKS_RG> \
  --overwrite-existing -f kubeconfig-secret

Deploy jenkins master helm chart

cd jenkins/master/helm

helm install -f values-secret.yaml jenkins-master .

Browse jenkins portal

# forward port 8080 from inside jenkins master pod to port 8090 on host
kubectl port-forward -n <CICD_NAMESPACE> service/jenkins-master-internal-svc 8090:8080